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What to see in the Gard ?

Dive into a captivating journey on the blog, where I reveal the must-see places to visit in the Gard department! Get ready to discover some of the Gard's hidden treasures and gems that are sure to amaze you! Please note that this article will be updated regularly as my road trip progresses, as I still have so much to explore.

The Navacelle circus​

The Cirque de Navacelle is a particularly stunning geological treasure! It is located in the southern part of the Grands Causses, straddling the Gard and Hérault departments. It is formed by a meander cut by the Vis - the river that runs through it - in the striking gorges between the Causse du Larzac to the south and the Causse de Blandas to the north. At the heart of the cirque, you'll find the hamlet of Navacelle, which lies between the two départements, as well as the two communes of Saint-Maurice-Navacelles in the Hérault and Blandas in the Gard. The view from the Gard is wilder than from the Hérault... best visited in autumn/winter to avoid the tourist crowds !​

The Blandas Causse​

This little-known causse offers some magnificent scenery. It boasts many prehistoric remains, including the Dolmen de Planas, the Cromlech de Lacam de la Rigalderie and the Cromlech de Peyrarines. Unfortunately, most of the Cromlechs are inaccessible and can only be seen from the road, as they are located on private property to which access is forbidden. Nevertheless, it's well worth the diversions to enjoy these historic wonders.​

The Cévennes of Gard​

Mont-Aigoual, the Orgon waterfalls, the Mouflon observatory, Lac des Pises... the Cévennes in the Gard region have plenty to offer! The best time to go is in autumn, to enjoy the magnificent orange colours and the multitude of chestnut trees, but you can go in winter if you're a fan of snowshoeing. The Mont-Aigoual road is often closed in winter, but you can still get there on foot if you're well equipped. Find out more beforehand.​

The Vis waterfall​

It's a wide waterfall that flows into a crystal-clear pool of flat rocks. It's a popular spot for swimming in summer, as well as for camping and picnics. It's an unmissable spot to visit in the Gard, as it's so incredibly beautiful. It's best to go in winter, to avoid the crowds of tourists. It can be seen from the bridge at Saint-Laurent-le-Minier, or from the rocks that slope down into the crystal-clear basin.​

The Camargue of Gard​

This is a magnificent place in any season, but I'd advise you to go in winter to avoid being bitten by the millions of mosquitoes ! The ponds are home to many birds, including the emblematic Pink Flamingo, and are just as beautiful in winter as they are in summer. What's more, you'll enjoy the magnificent sunsets typical of the winter season. Places to visit : Le Grau-du-Roi, the Carbonnière Tower and the fortified city of Aigues-Mortes.​

The city of Sommières​

It's a magnificent fortified town with a Roman bridge. It's a very well-placed town for a roadtrip in the Gard, being at the gateway to the Camargue, the Cévennes and the Gard plain. Best visited at sunset to take advantage of the most beautiful light, I recommend parking in the Vidourle car park and doing everything on foot or by bike.​

The city of Nîmes​

This is the city par excellence to visit, but visit it properly ! Don't just stop at the arenas, take the time to visit everything and enjoy the exceptional Roman heritage. Don't miss : the Nîmes Arena, the Maison Carrée, the gardens of the Fountain with the Tour Magne and the Temple of Diana, the Porte d'Auguste, the church of Sainte-Perpétue-et-Félicité, the church of Saint-Baudile...​

The Gard Bridge​

A true symbol of the Gard region, you can't go on a roadtrip without seeing it ! You can park fairly close by, and the entrance ticket gives you access to the car park, the site and the museum. However, it is possible to walk there without paying (but without access to the museum). You'll walk along the remains of the aqueduct that brought water from Uzès to Nîmes.

What to see in the Gard ?
Capra Pyrenaica 1 January 2024
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