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My three homemade laundry detergent recipes

Zero waste means homemade products ! The biggest advantage of making your own washing powder, apart from the much cleaner composition (both for the planet and for your skin), is the very low cost of production. It's enough to reconcile ecology with your wallet ! So here are my 3 washing powder recipes, so that everyone can find something to suit their skin.

Ivy laundry detergent

  • 50 ivy leaves (about 50 g / 1.76 oz)
  • 1,1 L / 37.20 fl oz water
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda


​Harvest about fifty ivy leaves from a forest that is sufficiently far from roads to avoid pollution. Be sure to pick them from the trees and not from the ground to avoid any confusion with creeping ivy.

Rinse them with clean water to remove impurities and any potential insects.

​Put water in a saucepan over high heat and add the previously crushed ivy leaves one by one. Wait for the water to boil before reducing the heat to maintain a gentle boil for 15 minutes, all covered.

Let it infuse for 12 to 24 hours, still covered.

​Take a 1 litre glass bottle. Add the bicarbonate of soda, then use a funnel fitted with a coffee filter to pour in the contents of the pan. Stir well and the laundry detergent is ready ! It should foam slightly.

The laundry detergent will keep for 3 weeks to 1 month. Use twice the usual amount of laundry detergent for one wash..

Marseille soap laundry detergent


  • 50 grams / 1.76 oz of Marseille soap flakes only olive oil-based, it should not contain palm oil otherwise the detergent will solidify
  • 1 L / 37.20 fl oz water
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of washing soda optional


Heat the water until it simmers. Pour in the Marseille soap shavings. It is important that the soap is made with olive oil, otherwise the laundry detergent will solidify. Stir well to dissolve the shavings.

Pour in the baking soda and mix.

Let it cool until the mixture is around 30 or 40°C (86 or 104°F). You can add a tablespoon of washing soda at this point if you regularly have heavily soiled laundry. Otherwise, this addition is optional.

Pour the laundry detergent into a bottle. It's ready to use !

The laundry detergent stores very well. Use the usual amount of detergent for a wash.

Hybrid laundry detergent with ivy and Marseille soap


- 50 ivy leaves (about 50 g / 1.76 oz)

- 20 grams / 0.71 oz of Marseille soap flakes only olive oil-based, it should not contain palm oil otherwise the detergent will solidify

- 1,1 L / 37.20 fl oz water

- 2 tablespoons of baking soda


​Harvest about fifty ivy leaves from a forest that is sufficiently far from roads to avoid pollution. Be sure to pick them from the trees and not from the ground to avoid any confusion with creeping ivy.

Rinse them with clean water to remove impurities and any potential insects.

​Put water in a saucepan over high heat and add the previously crushed ivy leaves one by one. Wait for the water to boil before reducing the heat to maintain a gentle boil for 15 minutes, all covered.

Let it infuse for 12 to 24 hours, still covered.

​Take a new saucepan and, using a funnel equipped with a coffee filter, pour the contents of the saucepan containing the ivy infusion.

Cut or measure the Marseille soap shavings. It is important that the soap is made with olive oil, otherwise the laundry detergent will solidify. Then pour them into the saucepan with the rest of the preparation.

​Heat without reaching boiling point to dissolve the shavings.

​Once the mixture is homogeneous, add the baking soda. Stir well and then pour into a bottle.

The laundry detergent can be stored for 1 to 2 months. Stir well before use. Use the usual amount of detergent for a wash.

CAUTION ! While the ingredients used may seem harmless at first glance, it is important to wear a mask and gloves when making these laundry detergent recipes. Ivy can be allergenic and irritating to some individuals. Marseille soap when heated and washing soda are corrosive to the skin and respiratory system. Handle the ingredients with caution. Once finished and cooled, the laundry detergent is safe to use.

My three homemade laundry detergent recipes
Capra Pyrenaica 3 January 2024
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